Other Tidbits
Age Line, The - A line
drawn by Dumbledore around the Goblet of Fire to ensure that younger students were not able to participate.
Alchemy - Medieval science
that was founded on the search to turn metal into gold.
Auto-Answering Quills
- Cheating decice banned from the examination hall during O.W.L.s.
Axminster - A type of
flying carpet that seats 12.
Balaclava - A kind of
heavy, very warm coat.
Baruffio's Brain Elixer
- Gives the brain a boost. Used to improve O.W.L. test scores.
Bezoar - Stone taken from
the stomach of a goat. Will counteract most poisons.
Blibbering Humdinger - Luna believes they exist.
Bubbadox Powder - Causes
Cobbing - Excessive use
of elbows. If used a penalty in Quidditch.
Crumple - Horned Snorkack - Luna believes they exist.
Daily Prophet - The Wizard
Dark Detector - A secrecy
sensor used by Moody, that vibrates when it detects concealment and lies. Dark Detectors include Sneakoscopes and Foe-Glasses.
Dark Mark - A colossal
skull, comprised of emerald stars, with the serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue. You-Know-Who's sign that was
spotted in the sky during the Quidditch Cup.
Deathday Party - A celebration
held by Nearly Headless Nick, to commemorate the day he died, to which Harry and his friends are invited.
Decoy Detonators - Drop one surreptitiously and it will
run off and make a nice loud noise out of sight giving you a diversion if you need one. Sold at W.W.W.
Defensive Magical Theory
- A book by Wilbert Slinkhard.
Dementor's Kiss - What
Dementors use when they want to utterly destroy someone; they clamp their jaws upon the mouth of their victim, and suck out
their soul. The victim is left with no sense of self, no memory; they become empty shells. This was to be performed on Sirius
Black, as ordered by the Ministry of Magic.
Detachable Cribbing Cuff
- Useful tool for cheating on O.W.L.s.
Devil's Snare - A plant
with strong, snake-like tendrils that likes the dark and damp, and is weakened by light and warmth. A plant that can
kill whoever touches it.
Doing a Weasley - Jumping
on a broom and departing Hogwarts forever.
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus - The Hogwarts motto: Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction
- Used to get rid of bad thoughts that can scar the brain. pg. 847 book #5.
Dragon Skin Gloves - Worn
by Hogwarts students as a protection from the extreme cold.
The Dream Oracle - A book
on dream interpretation by Inigo Imago.
Edible Dark Marks - They'll make anyone sick. Sold at
Evening Prophet - Wizarding
Exams - O.W.L.s, Ordinary
Wizardry Levels; N.E.W.T.s,
Extendable Ears - Thin
flesh-colored pieces of string invented by Fred & George Weasley used to acquire secret information
Feigning Illness Aids
- Puking Pastilles; Nosebleed Nouguts; Fainting Fancies. Invented by George and Fred Weasley. Used as a means to get out of
a class.
Flagrate - Imprints a
fiery red cross to differentiate one place from another.
Floo Powder - A glittery
powder used to help witches travel from one place to another. Throw it into the fire, say the name of your destination, and
step into the flames.
Foe-Glass - Moody uses
this to keep an eye on his enemies.
Ford Anglia - The make
of Mr. Weasley's enchanted car.
Fountain of Magical Brethren - Located in the Ministry of Magic.
Consisted of a House elf, A Centaur, A wixard, Witch, and a goblin.
Fred and George's Sign in their shop window - Why
are you worrying about you-know-who? You should be worrying about U-No-Poo - The constipation sensation that's gripping the
Ginger Newt - A biscuit.
Goblet of Fire - A large
rough-hewn wooden cup, filled to the brim with dancing blue-white flames into which aspiring champions can drop their names,
if they want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. The goblet will return the names of three deemed most worthy to represent
their schools. Placed on the stool that normally held the Sorting Hat.
Gobstones - A wizarding
game like marbles, in which the stones squirt a nasty-smelling liquid into the other player's face when they lose a point.
Grades - O
for outstanding, E for Exceeds Expectations, A for Acceptable, P for Poor, D for Dreadful, and the T for Troll.
Gregory the Smarmy - Statue
at Hogwarts.
Gubraithian Fire - A branch
of everlasting fire. Hagrid gave this gift of magic Gift # 1) to the giant chief.
Hogwart Banners - Red
with gold lion - Gryffindor; blue with bronze eagle - Ravenclaw; yellow with black badger - Hufflepuff; green with silver
serpent - Slythern.
Hogwarts Coat of Arms
- lion, eagle, badger, and snake united around a large letter "H."
Hogwarts, The History of
- A book in the Hogwarts library about Hogwarts.
Hourglasses, Giant - Record House points; set in niches along the
House-Elf Liberation Front
- A name that Ron made up for a group that supports improved rights for house-elves.
Instant Darkness Powder - To make a quick escape. Sold
at W.W.W.
Legilimency - The ability
to extract feelings and memories from another person's mind. (The Dark Lord is very skilled at this). Eye contact is often
essential, although with Harry and Voldemort this does not seem to be a hindrance.
Lines - A writing punishment
for bad behavior.
Magic Wand, Harry's -
A very rare and unique wand containing a phoenix feather from Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix.
The Marauder's Map - Shows
every detail of the Hogwart's castle and its grounds, as well as the location of every living thing at Hogwarts. To get the
map to work, one has to say "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." When you are through, touch the wand lightly and say,
"Mischief managed," and the map will then go blank.
Mermish - The language
of the merpeople.
Metamorph Medals - Just sling around your neck and you'll
be able to change your appearance at will. A 100,000 disguises, all for only 10 galleons. What really happens is you turn
orange but a couple of people have sprouted tentacle-like warts.
Metamorphmagus - They
are very rare, born, not made; can change appearance at will.
Mimbulus Mimbletonia -
Very rare, small species of cactus that pulsates slightly, with boils instead of spines; resembles a diseased organ; when
poked, a thick green liquid that smells like rancid manure, squirts from every boil. Neville got one for his birthday.
Mirror of Erised - Enables
one to see what they most want to see - "The most desperate desire of my heart." Erised is desire spelled backward. (For Harry,
it is his dead parents.)
Monster Book of Monsters - Large green book of monsters. Required reading for third years. Must be stroked down the spine or it will bite
your fingers.
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests - (N.E.W.T) Highest qualification Hogwart's offers.
Nosebleed Nougat - Part of the Skiving Snackboxes. You
take half of the pill to make your nose start to bleed then you take the other half to make it stop. Made by Fred and George.
O.W.L.'s - Ordinary Wizarding
Levels. The standard-level examinations at Hogwarts; given to fifth year students.
Parselmouth - One who
can talk to snakes.
Parseltongue - A language
spoken by a Parselmouth.
Patronus - An anti-Dementor,
a guardian that acts as a shield between you and a Dementor. A "positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor
feeds upon - hope, happiness, the desire to survive - but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the Dementor's can't
hurt it." Each patronus is unique to the wizard who conjures it. To conjure a patronus "you have to concentrate with all your
might, on a single, very happy memory."
Phoenix Song - A sound
of hope that Harry hears when his situation seems very bleak.
Pocket Sneakoscope
- Lights up and spins if someone untrustworthy is around.
Portkey - Used to transport
wizards from one spot to another at a prearranged time.
Protego - A shield charm; causes a charm or spell to reverse back
to the one trying to use it.
Prophecies - Small glass
orbs, housed in the Department of Mysteries - only the people to whom they refer, can lift them from the shelves without suffering
Put-Outer - A device,
owned by Albus Dumbledore that resembles a cigarette lighter, used to turn street-lamps on and off by removing and replacing
the "balls of light" from the street lamps.
Quibbler, The - A wizarding
tabloid style magazine published by Luna Lovegood's father.
Quick-Quotes Quill - An
automatic writing instrument that needs no hand to guide it. Used by Rita Seeker, a reporter on The Daily Prophet
Omnioculars - Binoculars that can replay action. They slow everything
down, and do play-by-play; covered with weird knobs and dials.
Paterted Daydream Charms - Have a highly realistic dream
that lasts 30 minutes. (side effects include vacant expression and minor drooling.) Sold at W.W.W.
Quills in W.W.W. - Self-Inking, Spell-Checking
and Smart answer varieties. Ron used the Spell Checking one and it spelt everything wrong.
Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery - Harry violates this decree and receives an Owl from the Improper Use of Magic Office that states that he is expelled
from Hogwarts.
Remembrall - A glass ball
the size of a large marble which is filled with white smoke. The smoke turns red to tell you that there is something you forgot
to do. Useful tool for cheating on O.W.L.s
Reusable Hangman - Spell it or he'll swing!! Sold at W.W.W.
Self -correcting Ink -
Useful tool for cheating on O.W.L.s
Self-shuffling playing cards
- Wizarding playing cards which shuffle themselves.
Sheild Hats - Put it on and challange a friend and
watch as they are astound when the jinx just bounces off! You can also buy Sheild Cloaks, Sheild Gloves... at W.W.W.
Sickle - Silver wizarding
Skiving Snackboxes - What Fred and George are making.
Sorcerer's Stone/ Philosopher's Stone- Legendary stone more than
600 years old, which will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces The Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker
immortal. The only known stone belongs to Nicholas Flamel, Albus Dumbledore's partner.
Sorting Hat - A patched
frayed, dirty, pointed wizard's hat used to determine which house a Hogwart's student will be in. When not in use the hat
sits on a four-legged stool.
Spattergroit - A grievous
affliction of the skin that leaves one pock-marked.
Spellotape - Wizarding
repair tape. It was used by Ron Weasley to mend his broken wand.
S.P.E.W. - Society for
the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. A movement begun by Hermione to improve the lives of House-elves.
Splinched - To leave half of yourself behind when apparating.
Statute of Secrecy - (vol.
5, p. 21)
Time-turner - Hourglass
necklace that Hermione wears to take her back in time, in order to rescue Sirius Black.
Tornado Badge - Sky-blue
and gold worn by Cho in support of a winning Quidditch team.
Transfiguration Today
- Wizarding magazine about transfiguration.
Trick Wands - Cheaper ones turn into rubber Chickens or
pairs of briefs when waved. The more expensive beat the unwary user around the head and neck. Made by Fred and George.
Two-way Mirror - A device
used by James and Sirius for communication, that Sirius gives to Harry. (vol. 5, p. 857-858)
Vault 713 - The place
in Gringotts Bank that the Sorcerer's Stone was hidden until it was taken from there by Rubeus Hagrid.
Venomous Tentacula Seeds - What Dung gets George and Fred for their
Skiving Snackboxes. They are a Class C Non-Tradeable Substance.
Wand - Implement used
by wizards for magic. Available from Ollivanders in Diagon Alley.
Wartcap Powder - Turns
skin crusty and brown.
The Weasley Clock - A
special device that doesn't tell the time but the location and condition of the Weasley family members.
Which Broomstick? - Broomstick
consumer magazine. Test-rides all makes of brooms and reviews them.
Whomping Willow - A large,
very violent tree in the Forbidden Forest, on the grounds of Hogwarts, that hits anything that comes too close to it.
Wizengamot - Wizarding
high court that interprets wizarding law. After Dumbledore is asked to leave the court, the body begins to hold "full criminal
trials to deal with a simple matter of underage magic."
Wizengamot Charter of Rights.
- (vol. 5, pp. 142 -143)
Wizard Money - Galleon
(gold), Sickle (silver) Knut and Lapin (bronze).
Yule Ball - A special
celebration and an opportunity for Hogwarts students to socialize during the Triwizard Tournament. Harry has to bring a date.