Big D - What Dudley's Friends calls
Diddydums - What Dudley's Mother calls
Dinky - What Dudley's Mother
calls him.
Dung - What people call Mundungus.
Goblin - Crusher - What Cornelius Fudge
is called in the Quibbler.
He Who Must Not Be Named - What
wizards and witches refer to
Voldemort as. Also called You know who.
Hogwarts High Inquisitor - Dolores
Ickle Diddykins - What Dudley's Mother calls him.
Moony - Lupin's
nickname at school.
Padfoot - Sirius' nickname at school.
Popkin - What Dudley's Mother calls
Prongs- James nickname at school.
Snivellus - Nickname for Snape made
by Sirius.
Snuffles - Nickname Sirius used by
Harry and his Friends so no one knows who they are talking about.
Wormtail - Peter
Pettigrew's Nickname in School. Voldemort Refers to him as Wormtail.
You know who
- What people refer to Voldemort as.