
Personally I really liked the movie. It's not my favorite but I think they did a pretty good job considering they had only so much time. But, myself like many others, have complaints. I didn't like how Dumbledore acted in this movie. Dumbledore isn't a character that freaks out about things. When he grabbed Harry and shook him asking him if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire I just didn't like it. That isn't how he is supposed to act.
I also didn't like how much they left out. There are some things like S.P.E.W. that I understand had to be cut, but like they could have taken another 10 minutes and explained a little more. Like for example, why Hermione was mad at Ron at the Yule Ball. Most of my friends who hadn't read the book couldn't figure out why she was mad at him. There were other parts too that they didn't explain to well. Like when Harry Found Barty Crouch dead in the Forest. They didn't explain how, or why he died he just, died.
I did like the ferret scene. That was really funny. There were a lot of funny scenes that I enjoyed.
Overall I think the movie was pretty good. I didn't like that they had to cut so much but I can understand why they cut some of it.
What did you guys think of the movie?